
We take responsibility

Sectra’s operations are based on solving major societal challenges. We provide high-quality solutions to our customers to allow them to provide patients with the best care possible and protect critical infrastructure and communication in today’s digital society. These are our largest contributions to a more sustainable society. The foundation for our sustainability work is our vision and our corporate culture, where corporate responsibility permeates everything that we do.


How the value we create contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to eliminate poverty and hunger, protect human rights for everyone, achieve gender equality and ensure the long-term protection of our planet and natural resources. By taking responsibility for how the company’s activities and goals impact the environment, Sectra is contributing to the UN SDGs and the realization of Agenda 2030.

The UN Global Goals for sustainable development

Here at Sectra, I really feel that we can make a difference.

Chris Scarisbrick, UK

Contributing to a better society is very important to me. It makes me leave home and go to work with a good gut feeling.

Adam Alsegård, Sweden
Sectra and the UN SDGs
Sectra and the UN SDGs

UN Goal 3: Good health and well-being

Our medical operations are focused on good health and well-being for patients and for society. Cancer diseases, osteoarthritis and orthopaedic surgery are some of the most costly and resource-intensive areas in the healthcare sector. Our solutions facilitate and optimize diagnostics, planning and follow-up of patients in these areas.

UN Goal 5: Gender equality

We work actively to ensure our workplaces are characterized by equal opportunities and equal treatment, with everyone assuming responsibility for the treatment of their fellow human beings. In line with the company’s policy in this area, we work continuously to promote equal opportunities in order to achieve a gender balance and diversity.

UN Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

A safe and secure workplace that supports employee rights and conditions is important to us, both within our own operations and within our supply chain. Economic growth is one of our prioritized financial goals, where we work to achieve long-term cost efficiency and focus on software products with high margins.

UN Goal 9: Industry, innovation, and infrastructure

In the critical infrastructure product segment, we help society secure access to water and electricity, for example, and to protect these services from different types of threats. In the field of medical technology, we help healthcare providers to offer more efficient care in medical imaging by providing infrastructure, products and services for image sharing within and between different healthcare providers.

UN Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

In the secure communication product segment, we help politicians, authorities and the armed forces to ensure a functioning government. Using codes of conduct, we also actively work to combat corruption and bribery and to comply with all laws and regulations in the areas in which we operate.