Artificial intelligence

Research at Sectra

Ever since the company was spun-off from Linköping University, scientific advances have formed the basis for Sectra’s commercial solution development. A core strategy is to embrace the latest academic achievements, while achieving our own scientific breakthroughs.

The research conducted at Sectra is a vital part of the company’s innovation efforts. A team of scientists, most with PhD degrees, develop knowledge, methods and prototypes that pave the way for product development. This work is carried out in close collaboration with academic, healthcare and cybersecurity professionals all over the world. Our main scientific domains are artificial intelligence, image analysis, visualization, human-computer-interaction, informatics, post-quantum IT security and risk-based, change-oriented security.

For more information, please reach out to Research Directors

Selected publications

A common result of the research efforts is scientific publications, a great vehicle to engage in and benefit from the academic communities. Out of the 100+ publications from the Research department and its collaborations over the years, a few representative ones are presented below.

  • From machine learning to machine teaching: the importance of UX
    M Lindvall, J Molin, J Löwgren
    ACM Interactions, 2018
  • Integrated Diagnostics: The Computational Revolution Catalyzing Cross-disciplinary Practices in Radiology, Pathology, and Genomics
    C Lundström, H Gilmore, P Ros
    Radiology, 2017
  • Synchronized navigation of current and prior studies using image registration improves radiologist’s efficiency
    D Forsberg, A Gupta, C Mills, B MacAdam, B Rosipko, B A Bangert, M D Coffey, C Kosmas, J L Sunshine
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2017
  • Detection and Labeling of Vertebrae in MR Images Using Deep Learning with Clinical Annotations as Training Data
    D Forsberg, E Sjöblom, JL Sunshine
    Journal of Digital Imaging, 2017
  • Slide navigation patterns among pathologists with long experience of digital review
    J Molin, M Fjeld, C Mello‐Thoms, C Lundström
    Histopathology, 2015
  • Fully automatic measurements of axial vertebral rotation for assessment of spinal deformity in idiopathic scoliosis
    D Forsberg, C Lundström, M Andersson, L Vavruch, H Tropp, H Knutsson
    Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2013
  • Multi-touch table system for medical visualization: application to orthopedic surgery planning
    C Lundstrom, T Rydell, C Forsell, A Persson, A Ynnerman
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2011
  • Uncertainty visualization in medical volume rendering using probabilistic animation
    C Lundstrom, P Ljung, A Persson, A Ynnerman
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2007
  • Phase-based multidimensional volume registration
    M Hemmendorff, M T Andersson, T Kronander, H Knutsson
    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2002